Quick Start Guide

This guide is intended to facilitate quick interactions with SCoPe code after you have completed the Installation/Developer Guidelines section. More detailed usage info can be found in the Usage section.

Modify config.yaml

To start out, provide SCoPe your training set’s filepath using the training: dataset: field in config.yaml. The path should be a partial one starting within the scope directory. For example, if your training set trainingSet.parquet is within the tools directory (which itself is within scope), provide tools/trainingSet.parquet in the dataset: field.

When running scripts, scope will by default use the config.yaml file in your current directory. You can specify a different config file by providing its path to any installed script using the --config-path argument.


Train an XGBoost binary classifier using the following code:

scope-train --tag vnv --algorithm xgb --group ss23 --period-suffix ELS_ECE_EAOV --epochs 30 --verbose --save --plot --skip-cv


--tag: the abbreviated name of the classification to train a binary classifier. A list of abbreviations and definitions can be found in the Guide for Fritz Scanners section.

--algorithm: SCoPe currently supports neural network (dnn) and XGBoost (xgb) algorithms.

--group: if --save is passed, training results are saved to the group/directory named here.

--period-suffix: SCoPe determines light curve periods using GPU-accelerated algorithms. These algorithms include a Lomb-Scargle approach (ELS), Conditional Entropy (ECE), Analysis of Variance (AOV), and an approach nesting all three (ELS_ECE_EAOV). Periodic features are stored with the suffix specified here.

--min-count: requires at least min_count positive examples to run training.

--epochs: neural network training takes an –epochs argument that is set to 30 here.


  • The above training runs the XGB algorithm by default and skips cross-validation in the interest of time. For a full run, you can remove the --skip-cv argument to run a cross-validated grid search of XGB hyperparameters during training.

  • DNN hyperparameters are optimized using a different approach - Weights and Biases Sweeps (https://docs.wandb.ai/guides/sweeps). The results of these sweeps are the default hyperparameters in the config file. To run another round of sweeps for DNN, create a WandB account and set the --run-sweeps keyword in the call to scope-train.

  • SCoPe DNN training does not provide feature importance information (due to the hidden layers of the network). Feature importance is possible to estimate for neural networks, but it is more computationally expensive compared to this “free” information from XGB.

Train multiple classifiers with one script

Create a shell script that contains multiple calls to scope-train:

create-training-script --filename train_xgb.sh --min-count 1000 --algorithm xgb --period-suffix ELS_ECE_EAOV --add-keywords "--save --plot --group ss23 --epochs 30 --skip-cv"

Modify the permissions of this script by running chmod +x train_xgb.sh. Run the generated training script in a terminal window (using e.g. ./train_xgb.sh) to train multiple classifers sequentially.


  • The code will raise an error if the training script filename already exists.

Running training on HPC resources

train-algorithm-slurm and train-algorithm-job-submission can be used generate and submit slurm scripts to train all classifiers in parallel using HPC resources.

Plotting Classifier Performance

SCoPe saves diagnostic plots and json files to report each classifier’s performance. The below code shows the location of the validation set results for one classifier.

import pathlib
import json

path_model = pathlib.Path.home() / "scope/models_xgb/ss23/vnv"
path_stats = [x for x in path_model.glob("*plots/val/*stats.json")][0]

with open(path_stats) as f:
    stats = json.load(f)

The code below makes a bar plot of the precision and recall for this classifier:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.title(f"XGB performance (vnv)")
plt.bar("vnv", stats['precision'], color='blue',width=1,label='precision')
plt.bar("vnv", stats['recall'], color='red',width=0.6, label='recall')

This code may also be placed in a loop over multiple labels to compare each classifier’s performance.


Use run-inference to run inference on a field (297) of features (in this example, located in a directory called generated_features). The classifiers used for this inference are within the ss23 directory/group specified during training.

create-inference-script --filename get_all_preds_xgb.sh --group-name ss23 --algorithm xgb --period-suffix ELS_ECE_EAOV --feature-directory generated_features

Modify the permissions of this script using chmod +x get_all_preds_xgb.sh, then run on the desired field:

./get_all_preds_xgb.sh 297


  • create-inference-script will raise an error if the inference script filename already exists.

  • Inference begins by imputing missing features using the strategies specified in the features: section of the config file.

Running inference on HPC resources

run-inference-slurm and run-inference-job-submission can be used generate and submit slurm scripts to run inference for all classifiers in parallel using HPC resources.*

Examining predictions

The result of running the inference script will be a parquet file containing some descriptive columns followed by columns containing for each classification’s probability for each source in the field. By default, the file is located as follows:

path_preds = pathlib.Path.home() / "scope/preds_xgb/field_297/field_297.parquet"

SCoPe’s read_parquet utility offers an easy way to read the predictions file and provide it as a pandas DataFrame.

from scope.utils import read_parquet
preds = read_parquet(path_preds)