Installation/Developer Guidelines

Science users

  • Create and activate a virtual/conda environment with Python 3.11, e.g:

    conda create -n scope-env python=3.11
    conda activate scope-env
  • Install the latest release of scope-ml from PyPI:

    pip install scope-ml
  • In the directory of your choice, run the initialization script. This will create the required directories and copy the necessary files to run the code:

  • If using GPU-accelerated period-finding algorithms, install periodfind from the source.

  • Change directories to scope and modify config.yaml to finish the initialization process. This config file is used by default when running all scripts. You can also specify another config file using the --config-path argument.


  • Create your own fork the scope repository by clicking the “fork” button. Then, decide whether you would like to use HTTPS (easier for beginners) or SSH.

  • Following one set of instructions below, clone (download) your copy of the repository, and set up a remote called upstream that points to the main scope repository.


git clone<yourname>/scope.git && cd scope
git remote add upstream


git clone<yourname>/scope.git && cd scope
git remote add upstream

Setting up your environment (Windows/Linux/macOS)

Use a package manager for installation

We currently recommend running scope with Python 3.11. You may want to begin your installation by creating/activating a virtual environment, for example using conda. We specifically recommend installing miniforge3 (

Once you have a package manager installed, run:

conda create -n scope-env -c conda-forge python=3.11
conda activate scope-env

(Optional): Update your PYTHONPATH

If you plan to import from scope, ensure that Python can import from scope by modifying the PYTHONPATH environment variable. Use a simple text editor like nano to modify the appropriate file (depending on which shell you are using). For example, if using bash, run nano ~/.bash_profile and add the following line:


Save the updated file (Ctrl+O in nano) and close/reopen your terminal for this change to be recognized. Then cd back into scope and activate your scope-env again.

Install required packages

Ensure you are in the scope directory that contains pyproject.toml. Then, install the required python packages by running:

pip install .

Install dev requirements, pre-commit hook

We use black to format the code and flake8 to verify that code complies with PEP8. Please install our dev requirements and pre-commit hook as follows:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pre-commit install

This will check your changes before each commit to ensure that they conform with our code style standards. We use black to reformat Python code.

The pre-commit hook will lint changes made to the source.

Create and modify config.yaml

From the included config.defaults.yaml, make a copy called config.yaml:

cp config.defaults.yaml config.yaml

Edit config.yaml to include Kowalski instance and Fritz tokens in the associated empty token: fields.

(Optional) Install periodfind

If using GPU-accelerated period-finding algorithms, install periodfind from the source.


Run scope-test to test your installation. Note that for the test to pass, you will need access to the Kowalski database. If you do not have Kowalski access, you can run scope-test-limited to run a more limited (but still useful) set of tests.


Upon encountering installation/testing errors, manually install the package in question using conda install xxx , and remove it from .requirements/dev.txt. After that, re-run pip install -r requirements.txt to continue.

Known issues

  • Across all platforms, we are currently aware of scope dependency issues with Python 3.12.

  • Anaconda may cause problems with environment setup.

  • Using pip to install healpy on an arm64 Mac can raise an error upon import. We recommend including h5py as a requirement during the creation of your conda environment.

  • On Windows machines, healpy and cesium raise errors upon installation.

    • For healpy, see this guide for a potential workaround.

    • For cesium, try to install from the source ( within scope. If you will not be running feature generation, this is not a critical error, but there will be points in the code that fail (e.g. test, tools/

If the installation continues to raise errors, update the conda environment and try again.

How to contribute

Contributions to scope are made through GitHub Pull Requests, a set of proposed commits (or patches):

  1. Download the latest version of scope, and create a new branch for your work.

    Here, let’s say we want to contribute some documentation fixes; we’ll call our branch rewrite-contributor-guide.

    git checkout main
    git pull upstream main
    git checkout -b rewrite-contributor-guide
  2. Make modifications to scope and commit your changes using git add and git commit. Each commit message should consist of a summary line and a longer description, e.g.:

    Rewrite the contributor guide
    While reading through the contributor guide, I noticed several places
    in which instructions were out of order. I therefore reorganized all
    sections to follow logically, and fixed several grammar mistakes along
    the way.
  3. When ready, push your branch to GitHub:

    git push origin rewrite-contributor-guide

    Once the branch is uploaded, GitHub should print a URL for turning your branch into a pull request. Open that URL in your browser, write an informative title and description for your pull request, and submit it.

  4. The team will now review your contribution, and suggest changes. To simplify review, please limit pull requests to one logical set of changes. To incorporate changes recommended by the reviewers, commit edits to your branch, and push to the branch again (there is no need to re-create the pull request, it will automatically track modifications to your branch).

  5. Sometimes, while you were working on your feature, the main branch is updated with new commits, potentially resulting in conflicts with your feature branch. The are two ways to resolve this situation - merging and rebasing, please look here for a detailed discussion. While both ways are acceptable, since we are squashing commits from a PR before merging, we prefer the first option:

    git merge rewrite-contributor-guide upstream/main

Developers may merge main into their branch as many times as they want to.

  1. Once the pull request has been reviewed and approved by at least one team member, it will be merged into scope.

Releasing on PyPI

As new features are added to the code, maintainers should occasionally initiate a new release of the scope-ml PyPI package. To do this, first bump the version of the package in pyproject.toml and scope/ to the intended vX.Y.Z format. Then, navigate to “Releases” in the SCoPe GitHub repo and click “Draft a new release”. Enter the version number in “Choose a tag” and click “Generate release notes”. It is also advisable to check the box creating a discussion for the release before clicking “Publish release”.

Upon release, the publish-to-pypi.yml workflow will use GitHub Actions to publish a new version of the package to PyPI automatically. Note that if the version number has not yet been manually updated in pyproject.toml, this workflow will fail.

Contributing Field Guide sections

If you would like to contribute a Field Guide section, please follow the steps below.

  • Make sure to follow the steps described above in the “How to contribute” section!

  • Add sections to config.defaults.yaml under docs.field_guide.<object_class_type>.

    • Use docs.field_guide.rr_lyr_ab as an example. You need to specify the object’s coordinates and a title for the generated light curve plot. Optionally, you may specify a period [days] - then a phase-folded light curve will also be rendered.

  • Make sure your config.yaml file contains a valid Kowalski token.

    • See here on how to generate one (Kowalski account required).

    • You can use config.defaults.yaml as a template.

  • Make sure the structure of your config file is the same as the default, i.e. you propagated the changes in config.defaults.yaml. (otherwise the utility will later complain and ask you to fix that).

  • Add a Markdown file to doc/ and call it field_guide__<object_class>.md.

{include} ./field_guide__<object_class>.md
  • If you wish to render a sample Gaia-based HR diagram, you need to create a “Golden” data set for that class of objects and put it under data/golden as <object_class>.csv

    • The csv file must follow the same structure as [data/golden/rr_lyr.csv]. Please keep the csv header (“ra,dec”) and provide object coordinates in degrees.

    • The HR diagram will be generated as data/hr__<object_class>.png

  • Run the ./ doc command to generate the imagery and build the documentation.

  • Once you’re happy with the result, commit the changes to a branch on your fork and open a pull request on GitHub (see the “How to contribute” section above).

    • The GitHub Actions CI will run a subset of the testing/deployment pipeline for each commit you make to your branch - make sure you get a green checkmark next to the commit hash.

    • Once the PR is reviewed, approved, and merged, the CI will automatically build and deploy the docs to